Unbundled Lawyer Services
Did you know that you and your lawyer can agree to have your lawyer perform 'limited services' so that you remain in control of your case? When a lawyer performs such 'limited services', it is referred to as 'Unbundled Services'.
Unbundled Services is when the you hire Gordon N. Shayne to perform specific duties in representing the you. Typically, unbundled legal services are best suited when:
1. Couples agree to the resolution of disputes in their divorce, child custody case, etc. and want a lawyer to prepare the necessary legal papers and agreements which must be be filed with the court.
2. Parties, who want to Mediate their case, can achieve a full or partial agreement to avoid going to court.
3. Parties need to curtail their out-of-pocket expenses for a lawyer, but, recognize that an experienced family law attorney will give them much needed advice and direction to avoid having a highly contested court hearing.
When you schedule your FREE Consultation with Gordon, you will discuss how 'Unbundled Lawyer Services' may work best for you. Many clients continue to benefit from these services. Take, for example, the following cases:
- Mary had a baby out of wedlock and knew who the child's biological father was. She was only 20 years old when she became pregnant, just finishing her 2nd year of college. She did not have much in the way of money to afford a lawyer's retainer, but, she received some limited financial help from her parents. Mary recognized that she could not raise the child without receiving Child Support. So, she decided to meet the baby's father to see if they could agree as to how they wanted to raise their child. During the meeting, both parties came to agreements which they wanted to finalize for submission to the court. Since Mary needed a Child Support Worksheet and needed a proper Time Sharing/Parenting Plan not to mention the additional legal paperwork prepared, she interviewed and hired an experienced attorney to prepare all of the court papers, time sharing/parenting plan and the child support worksheet. Mary was very pleased that she avoided a contested hearing before a judge while only spending a limited amount of money to have the job done properly by hiring a lawyer to provide 'Unbundled Legal Services'.
- Todd and Virginia had been married for 37 years. They decided to get a divorce. Todd had retired from active duty with the U.S. Air Force while Virginia had been a stay-at-home mother. Their 3 children were adults. Todd told Virginia it made little sense to fight about their property, debts/assets and retirement accounts. Virginia agreed that she wanted the divorce to be over with as soon as possible. Todd also told Virginia that he knew a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Law Mediator who could meet with both parties and prepare their agreement and all of their legal paperwork if they could reach agreements between themselves. Since Todd was the 'breadwinner' in the family, he offered to pay for all the lawyer's Unbundled Services and associated filing fees. Following their Mediation session, the couple reached a full agreement. They avoided a contested hearing before a judge and maintained control over the outcome of their mutually agreed upon Divorce in a peaceful, calm, streamlined manner. More importantly, their Divorce case did not cost thousands of dollars and their case was finished in less than half the time.
To discuss Unbundled Legal Services and to see if such services would be good for you, call today to set up your FREE legal consultation with Attorney Gordon N. Shayne. (904) 544-6855