It may surprise you to learn that over a million Americans get divorced, every year. Couples who have gone through the divorce process in our legal system, quickly learn that ALL Divorces have some or all of these features:
- Emotionally draining, stressful and nerve wracking
- Time consuming and costly
- Financially devastating
- Traumatic on Children and Families
- Long lasting consequences
- Loss of Control over all aspects of your personal life
A Cheap Divorce in the United States is much more possible when couples use the Mediation process to AVOID the possible devastating consequences of getting a divorce in our legal system.
A highly trained and qualified Divorce Mediator in Florida is a person who has spent decades helping couples shor- circuit the pitfalls that many people encounter in divorce court. Mediation is a POWERFUL tool that can create a way for couples to resolve their disputes and STAY OF OUT OF COURT.
The Mediation process is CONFIDENTIAL
Neither party has to attend public hearings or trips to the courthouse. In fact, most Courts conduct UNCONTESTED DIVORCE FINAL HEARINGS by Zoom, thereby avoiding any Court hearings whatsoever. This means, no loss of precious time at work or responsibilities to children.
When couples commit themselves to working together in a Divorce Mediation, it has been proven that those couples pay only a fraction of the COSTS and EXPENSES that would otherwise go to Attorney's Fees and the countless hours spent by legal representatives in a Court Battle.
It is possible to TAKE CONTROL over your Divorce Case and the outcome of your divorce by attending Mediation with a Florida Supreme Court Certified Family Mediator, such as Gordon N. Shayne. Wouldn't you want to keep from losing control over the outcome of your Divorce that would otherwise be in the hands of a judge. Doesn't it make sense to PAY LESS for your divorce and get MORE out of your divorce.
With a Qualified Mediator conducting your Mediation, you do not even need to leave the comforts of home as you can attend Mediation via Zoom and still be an active participant in your case.
EXPLORE Mediation as an Option to the expensive legal system option in reaching your goals in your divorce. THERE IS A BETTER, CHEAPER WAY TO GET DIVORCED!
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