Let us help you realize a DIY Case! In 2024, thousands of Floridians filed their own Divorce or Paternity/Child Custody cases with the help of experienced lawyers. The role of lawyer in such situations is to provide people with the tools they need to go to their local courthouse and file their o...
Temporary Alimony
TEMPORARY ALIMONY Temporary Alimony means that a Judge orders one person to pay the other person money for a specific time. In Florida, it is possible to get Temporary Alimony from your Husband or Wife when there is a Divorce case that either person has filed. To get Temporary Alimony, the Judg...
Florida Paternity Case
PATERNITY CASE IN FLORIDA In Florida, a Paternity case can be filed by either the Mother or Father of a child. The purpose of a Paternity case is for a Judge to determine the rights of both the Father and Mother when a child is born while the parents are not married to each other. A child born...
Child Support in Florida
WHO HAS TO PAY CHILD SUPPORT IN FLORIDA Child Support in Florida is required in certain kinds of cases, such as Divorces or Paternity. As an example, in a Divorce case, the child is entitled to the financial Child Support of his or her parents. The Child Support Guidelines in these cases is mand...
Hiring an Attorney in the Middle of Your Family Law Case
HIRING AN ATTORNEY IN THE MIDDLE OF YOUR DIVORCE OR PATERNITY CASE Many participants in divorces or paternity cases start their cases without lawyers, only to find out later that they need legal representation and advice. It is comforting for the majority of such parties to hire an attorney afte...
How To Find The Right Lawyer for your Divorce
SHOPPING FOR A FLORIDA DIVORCE LAWYER Except for simple Divorce cases, most people who have gone through a Divorce in Florida, would agree that hiring the right kind of lawyer makes all the difference. The process of “Shopping” for a Lawyer should be done thoughtfully. You can write down all of ...
Domestic Violence and Divorce
DIVORCE AND DOMESTIC VIOLENCE In Florida you do not need to have proof of Domestic Violence in order to file a Divorce case. The law in Florida says that either a Husband or a Wife can file a Divorce, even if they have no children or property. When there is a past history of Domestic Violence i...
What is Custody?
CUSTODY The word, “CUSTODY” means which one of the parents, the Mother or Father, will have the children most, if not ALL of the time. An example of “CUSTODY” happens when the Father/Mother has left or gone away and is no longer living with the children or caring for them. If that occurs, the ot...
Equal Time-Sharing
50/50 or EQUAL TIME SHARING In 2023 a law was passed in Florida that controls 50/50 or Equal Time-sharing. This law is considered to be a good law because it says that EQUAL TIME-SHARING is a good idea for children when the parents are getting a Divorce or there is a dispute, such as a Paternit...
Why Should I Get Custody?
REASONS FOR GETTING CUSTODY OF CHILDREN A Mother or a Father can get Custody of their children in Florida. Some of the REASONS FOR GETTING CUSTODY OF CHILDREN are: A Parent has moved away or left the house, leaving the children with their mother or father; A Parent is an Alcoholic or Uses Dr...
Alimony when there is Cheating
Does Cheating Make a Difference During Divorce In Florida, it is important to know if one party had an affair BEFORE either a Husband or a Wife can get Alimony. A Divorce case must be filed. Our lawyer can help you with filing your Divorce case. One the Divorce case is filed, it is...
How does Mediation Work?
Mediation is the Best Way To Go! As a busy Family Law Divorce/Child Custody attorney, I also offer Mediation Services. Unlike waiting up to 2 years to have a judge finalize a divorce or custody case, a Mediation can be scheduled quickly and should the parties reach full agreements, the Media...
Mediation Will Save You Time and Money
Mediating your Divorce or Child Custody Case can be Fast and Save Each Party Thousands of Dollars! Private Mediation for Divorce and Child Custody Cases is: Fast, Inexpensive and complete!
Save Money, Save Time and Limit your Stress During Divorce and Child Custody Cases
Hire The Right Kind of Divorce Lawyer to Save Time and Money and Eliminate Stress! Many times we receive phone calls and emails that ask these IMPORTANT questions: Prepare All Florida Court Divorce or Paternity (Child Custody) Documents; Mediation Session of 3 Hours and If Successful, I will draft your Full Agreement and Court Documents.
Non-marital Property vs. Marital Property in a Florida Divorce
If you are a party in a Florida Divorce and have taken inventory of all of the various property issues involved, you will want to discover what property is Nonmarital and what property is Marital.
Marital Property
If the parties, in a Florida divorce, fail to have a complete agreement as to the fair or equitable manner that all property is to be divided, that decision will be made by a judge at the Final Hearing
Who Gets The House During A Divorce
The rules pertaining to how to determine the value of the house are extremely complicated and can be difficult to understand.
Quick Divorce
There are ways to have an experienced lawyer help you and your spouse get a Florida Divorce filed quickly and obtain an UNCONTESTED DIVORCE FINAL HEARING date, without delay.
Benefits of Mediation for Temporary Alimony
Mediation offers parties headed to a Temporary Alimony Hearing before a Judge, the opportunity to resolve...
Speedy Divorce
Not a day goes by that I am not contacted by one or both spouses who want to know what the best way is to get a Speedy Divorce. Many are thinking about filing a divorce case, but don’t know where to start or what is the process. What they do know is that they believe they can agree to resolve their case in a fair manner.
Time-Sharing Orders
What Happens When You Do Not Have Time-Sharing Orders and You are not Married to the Child's Mother and She Wants to Leave the State of Florida with Your Child
Get Divorced Quickly
The most common complaint we hear from parties trying to handle their own divorce is: Why are the forms so confusing and difficult to understand..........
Fast Track Divorce
A “Fast Track Divorce” is what we call a Dissolution of Marriage, where the parties have the ability to reach full agreements with my assistance. As an experienced attorney.....
The most common complaint we hear from parties trying to handle their own divorce is: Why are the forms so confusing and difficult to understand
Preparing Court Documents
Why Can't I Just Do This Myself? What Documents Do I Need? Thinking of going it on your own? There are many individuals who 'just want to get it done' without a fight, without attorneys, without the stress. Then, they go onto the Florida site for the forms and become totally overwhelmed and th...